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Author Checklist > For Authors and Reviewers > Author Checklist

  1. Manuscript in MS Word (docx) format.
  2. Double-spaced typing with 11-point font.
  3. Authors should submit the following in separate files: (1) cover letter, (2) title page, (3) manuscripts, (4) tables, and (5) figures (Letters to the Editor should not contain tables, figures, or supplementary data.).
  4. The manuscript file should contain an abstract, main body, references, and figure legends.
  5. All pages of the manuscript file should be numbered consecutively, starting with the abstract.
  6. Title page with article title, authors’ full name(s) and affiliation(s), corresponding author’s e-mail, running title (less than 50 characters), and acknowledgments, if any. If the research was presented at a conference or meeting; the name, location, and date of the conference or meeting should be given.
  7. Abstract of up to 250 words for original articles/review articles, accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords and up to 150 words for case report, accompanied by a maximum of 3 keywords.
  8. All table and figure numbers are found in the text.
  9. References should follow the Vancouver style. All references listed in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa.
  10. Main Body of approximately 7,000 words should be presented in a structured format.
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